tycoa Product 108-1996 . - . 10Apr01 Rev O Electronics Specification EC 0990-0555-01 XAGA?* 1000 Heat-Shrinkable Joint Closure System For Use In Pressurised Networks (RUD 5111/M) TELECOM OUTSIDE PLANT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR THE XAGA 1000 HEAT-SHRINKABLE JOINT CLOSURE SYSTEM FOR USE IN PRESSURISED NETWORKS Raychem N.V. Diestsesteenweg 692 _ Approved by: V. Bortels 3010 KesselLLo Product Manager Belgium Prepared by: K.Rice, M.Van Hissenhoven All of this information, including illustrations, is believed to be reliable. Users, however, should independently evaluate the _ | suitability of each product for their application. Tyco Blectronics makes no warraniies as to the accuracy or completeness of the information and disclaims any fiability regarding its use. Tyco Electronics only obligations are those in the Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale for this product and in no case will Tyco Electronics be liable for any incidensal, Indirect or consequential damages arising from the sale, resale, use or misuse of the product. : Tyeo Electronics Specifications are subject to change without notice. In addition, Tyeo Electronics reserves the right to make changes in materials or processing, without notification to the Buyer, which do not affeet compliance with any applicable specification. 2001 Tyco Electronics Comoration This controlled decument is subject to change. Hartisbutg. PA For latest revision call AMP FAX*/Product Info All Intemational Rights Reserved. number 1-800-522-6752. * Trademark I Indicates change For Regional Customer Service, visit our websile at www.tycoelectronics.com 1 of 32 LOCBtyco / Electronics 108-1996 PURPOSE This technical specification contains the technical and quality requirements to be fulfilled by the product as supplied by the Kessel-Lo facility. It is intended for use: by Tyco Electronics for internal qualification and re-qualification purposes | by other organisations for the purposes of - providing information on product performance - asa guide to testing - for analysing/comparing product performance, in - for example - tender situations world-wide, except in countries where a customised document has been prepared. Rev 2 of 32tyco | cectronies 108-1996 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION oo. ccececceccecsssessessesntsasssersaeneeeneeeeseasseeesaneaneeaesss 3 SCOPE 1... .cececcssesesseseesesterseccsssssssnccnessccensnsesenenneasennecssesarssesenseaneesss 4 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ,......ccsccsesecsrseesstesensenssecsscerserseserenesenes 5 REQUIREMENTS ..........c.:::ccscssscesseceseescerecesnnecnsessasseesesuneseeneneas 6 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONSG.......ccccccscsscssseresseenees 13 REFERENCES .......:cssccsssssssssesserescessensessssenscineseansuseeaeenssesnsaceenneas 15 APPENDIX TEST PROCEDURES INTRODUCTION e The heat-shrinkable XAGA 1000 joint closure system is designed to provide pressure tightness and environmental and mechanical protection for splices on communications cables in networks which are pressurised to a nominal pressure of 70 kPa or 10 psi. . @ =The closures may be used on a range of polyethylene, lead, steel and aluminium jacketed cables for in-line and branched applications up to four cables out. Rev 3 of 32tyco | cectronies 108-1996 SCOPE e This document describes the performance and material requirements, for the XAGA 1000 joint closure system. - e A description of Tyco Electronics quality assurance provisions and a list of references completes the document. Test descriptions are included as an appendix to the specification and are only given if not fully described in the referenced norms and procedures. Rev 4 of 32tyco / Electronics 108-1996 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The standard XAGA 1000 system consists of a reinforced, heat-shrinkable, wraparound sleeve used in conjunction with a supporting canister. The sieeve is secured around the joint by means of a flexible stainless steel channel and installed using a jointers torch, Sleeve Channels Canister Branch-off Clips Shield Continuity Grounding Assembly e The sleeve material is a reinforced composite laminate. e Its outer surface is treated with a temperature-indicating system to facilitate uniform heating during installation. In addition, white lines are painted on the flat side of the tails which become visible through the channel openings as installation is completed. The sleeve and the flap are precoated with a high-performance hot-melt adhesive which will seal the closure seam and bond the sleeve to the canister and the cable sheaths during installation. One or more flexible channel(s) are provided to slide onto the rails of the sleeves pricr to installation. If necessary spring-type underclips are also supplied to align the two channels. A metal canister with pre-assembled valve. e These are available for cable branching. e Their three-finger construction forms an uninterrupted heat-conductive path which ensures that the adhesive on the middle finger melts and seals the areas between the cables. The outer fingers grip the wraparound sleeve and hold it against the cable sheaths. A shield continuity clip assembly can be made available upon request. A grounding assembly can also be made available upon request. Rev 5 of 32tyco | cectronies 108-1996 REQUIREMENTS GENERAL Performance _ The installed product shall conform to the requirements. listed on pages 8 to.10 when installed in accordance with the applicable installation instructions and tested in accordance with the procedures described in the appendix to this document. Materials e The XAGA 1000 sleeves shall be manufactured from a reinforced, heat-shrinkable, thermally stabilised material, which shall comply with the requirements listed on page 11. e The high-performance hot-melt adhesive precoated on the sleeve and flap shall comply with the requirements listed on page 12. The branch-off clip shall be corrosion-resistant. It shall have three metal fingers with the central one encapsulated in hot-melt adhesive. Dimensions e Dimensions of kit components shall conform to Tyco Electronics applicable specification control drawings (SCD's). Installation _e Kits may be installed at temperatures of between -10C and +45C. e The closure system shall be installable without the use of specialised tools or equipment which is not normally at the craftperson's disposal. * The heat-shrinkabie closure sleeve shall have a temperature-indicating system to facilitate uniform heating during installation. e Further visual indicators shall be provided t to indicate that an installation has been satisfactorily completed: * White lines shall be painted on the rails. These become visible through the channel slots when an installation is complete * Adhesive shall flow out of the ends of the closure on completion of an installation Rev 6 of 32tyco | cectronies 108-1996 e The sleeves shall be installable on cables bent to 15 maximum and on oval cables with an outside diameter ovality of 75% minimum. The degree of ovality and bending of the cables shall be determined as indicated below: 5 Ovality = A/B x 100 > 75 Storage All components of the uninstalled system shall be capable of being stored at temperatures of between -30C and +60C without deterioration of subsequent product performance. Miscellaneous The components of the system shall be free of defects . which would adversely affect the product performance. e Each kit shall be labelled with the followin: information: . * Suppliers name * Product description * Batch number * Customer item code number Rev 7 of 32tyco / Electronics 108-1996 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Details on sample construction are given on page | of the appendix. TEST METHOD AND CONDITIONS NORM | PAGE | REQUIREMENT No.* Appearance None 2 No defects which will adversely affect product perfonnance Fightness Internal pressure: | (10() 4:2) kPa TEC 68-2-17 12 No continuous Test temperature: | (23 +3)C Test Qe emission of bubbles Test time: 15 minutes Local overheating: Yellow tip, 10 secs. Hate Installation with | Instullationtemp: | (23 +3)C No splitting a blue flame Forch: Borrmann 20 or 30 * Tightness or equivalent Gas pressure: 150 kPa Longitudinal Installation temp: | (23 3)C None 8 <5% shrinkage shrinkage Substrate: Maximum application diameter Low- Test temperature: | (-1542)C None 8 * No sleeve temperature Mandrel diameter: | Maximum cracking flexibility application diameter No adhesive litting or cracking. Sleeve Assembly None 9 Integrity of the installability between: {-10 and 45) + 2C recovered sleeve Mandrei diameter: | Maximum. and closing system application diameter Split Substrate: Maximum None 10 No split propagation application diameter propagation Edge cut: 5 mm perpendicular For oven option: Time: 15 mins Termperature: (200 = 27C TForchability Installationtemp: | (23 + 39C None 12 | Tightness Torch: Borrmann 20 or 30 or equivalent Gas pressure: 150 kPa Axial tension Test temp. wmge: | (-15 to +45) 4 2 None Tightness Test pressure: (70 +2) kPa Load: D445 x 1000N (1000 + 10) N max Test time: 24 hrs each cable Ed . . Page number in appendix. * Dis the cable outer diameter in mm. Rev 8 of 32tyco / Electronics 108-1996 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS (continued) TEST METHOD AND CONDITIONS NORM FACE REQUIREMENT 0. Bending Test temp. range: | (-5 to +45) #2C None 3 Tightness Fest pressure: (70 +2) kPa Bend: 30 ot 300 mm displacement Force: - cables $50 mm. =| max. 500N @ tax. 1000 N -cables>50mm | 19x D @ | (rin. 250 num) Clamp at: 2 cycles/cable or cable group Duration: Blunt blade Test temp. range: | (-15 to+45)42C None 3 Tighiness Test pressure: (70 + 2) kPa Blunt blade wt: (6000 + 50) gm Drop height: <0C -30 cm = 0C -90 cm Site of ingpact: 90 from seam No. of impacts: 1 Impact Test temp. range: | (-15 to +45) % 2C None 6 Tightness Test pressure: (70 2) kPa Impact tool: Steel ball Weight: (1000 + 10) pm Drop height: 2m Site of impact: 90 from seam No, of impects: 1 Ladder test Test temp. range: | (-5 to +45)42C None 7 Tighiness Test pressure: (70 +2) kPa Load: 800 N Clamp at: 10xD (min.250 mm) Load application: | 1 x 2 hours Static load Test temp. tange: | (-15 to+45)+2C | None 10 | Tightness Test pressure: (70 + 2) kPa Time: 5 minutes Load: (1000 + 10) N Area: 5 cm? + 10% No. applications 2 Torsion Test temp. range: | (-5 to +45) 42C None 13 Tightness Test pressure: (70 2) kPa Torque: Max, 50 Nm or 90 rotation Clamp at: 10x D* (min, 250 mm) | Duration: 5 cycles! cable Page number in appendix Rev 9 of 32tyco / Electronics 108-1996 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS (continued) TEST METHOD AND CONDITIONS NORM PAGE REQUEREMENT No. Vibration Test temp. range: | (+10 to +45) + 2C IEC 68-2-6 14 Tightness Test pressure: (70 + 2) kPa Test Fe Vibration: 10 Hz, sinusoidal Amplitude: 3 mm. {6 mm p-p) Clamping 10x D* distance: (min: 250 mm} Test time: 10 days Environmental Environmental { High temperature: | (60 2)C JEC 68-2-14 il | Tightness temperature Low temperature: | (-302)C Test Nb cycling Dwell time: 4 hours Transition time: 2 hours Cycle duration: 12 hours Internal pressure: | (70+ 2) kPa Number of cycles. | 50. and/or High temperature: | (60+ 2)C TEC 68-2-14 11 Tightness Low temperature: | (-404 29C Test Nb Dwell time: 2.5 hours Transition time: 1.5 hours Cycle duration: & hours Internal pressure: | (70 +2) kPa Number of cycles: | 59 Freeze/thaw Temperature: Toe-water/water-ice | None 6 Tightness Test pressure: (70 +2) kPa Number of cycles: | 20 Frequency: 2 per day Pressure/time Test temperature: | (23 +3)C None 9 Tighiness Test conditions: Internal 210% 2 kPa/3 hours pressuce/time: 140 + 2 kPa/I0 days 130 + 2 kPa/28 days Resistance ta Test temperature: | (23 +3)C None 9 Tightness aggressive Test pressure: (70 = 2) kPa media Test media: pH 2, pH 12 Diesel for cars EN 590 Petroleum jelly Fest time: 30 days Resistance to Fest temperature: | (50+ 2)C None % * Tightness stress cracking |} Test pressure: (70 + 2)kPa * No visible Test medium: 10% Igepal cracking Test time: 7 days Thermal ageing | Test temperature. | (60 + 2}C None 12 Tightness Test pressure: (70 + 2)kPa Test time: 30 days * Dis the cable outer diameter. Page number in appendix Rev 10 of 32tyco | cectronies 4108-1996 HEAT-SHRINKABLE REINFORCED MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS | Details on sample preparation are given on page 15 of the appendix. TEST METHOD AND CONDITIONS NORM | PAGE | REQUIRE- REF No. MENT Burst strength Clamping procedure: K3010/16 NA - Fully recovered material ISO 3303 Min. 3000 N - Unrecovered material Method A Min. 2000 N Carbon content Heating rate; 20CAmin. ISO 7111 NA | Min. 2% for U'V resistance | Gas flow rate: 300 ce/min. of outer layer Inert gas: Nitrogen Oxidation medium: Oxygen Corrosive effect Test: Copper mirror ASTM NA_ | No corrosion Test temperature: (720 42C D2671 97 Test time: 16 brs Method A Dielectric Flectrodes: 6mm dia. brass rods | TEC 243 NA | Min.12kV/nm strength Upper electrode weight: | (50+ 2) gm Test medium: Transformer oil Voltage application: 2 KV steps at 20) second intervals Environmental Stress crack initiator: 10% Igepal CO 630 | IEC 811-41] NA | Nocracking stress cracking of solution Procedure B outer layer Immersion time: 30 days Test ternpereture: (50 + 29C Fungus resistance | Inoculation: (29 419C, 90% RH | ISO 846 NA for 28 days Method A - Burst strength | - Unrecovered material ISO 3303/A Min. 1600 N Low-temperature | Direction of sample: Recovery direction ISO 4675 NA | Below 40C bend Specimen type: 100 x 25 mm Resistance to Test time: 15 minutes K3010/17 15 No split split propagation | Test temperature: (200 + 2)C propagation Semple width: (5045) mm across painted Sample length: (180 + 5) mm line Incision length: tain, 4 mim Thermal ageing | Test time: 168 brs ISO 188 NA Test temperature: (150 + 29C - Burst strength - Fully recovered material ISO 3303/A Min. 2400 N UV resistance Cycle: ASTM G33 NA UV: 8 brs at 60C Darkness: 4 brs at 50C Exposure time: 1000 hrs - Burst strength -Unrecovered material TSO 3303/A Min. 1600 N * Tests carried out according to international norms are not described in this document. The page number refers to the appendix. Rev 11 of 32tyco / Electronics 108-1996 HOT MELT ADHESIVE REQUIREMENTS Details on sample preparation are given on page 16 of the appendix. TEST METHOD AND CONDITIONS | NORM/ REQUIREMENT REF Corrosive effect | Test time: 16 brs ASTM D2671 No corrosion Test temperature: (120 + 279C 97 Test: Copper mirror Method A Environmental Stress cracking IEC $f 1-4-1 No cracking stress cracking of | initiator: Adhesive under test substrate applied at the bend of substrate Substrate: Mixture 2YM2 VDE 0207/3 Test time: 48 brs Test temperature: (50 + 2) C Fimgus resistance | inoculation: (29417C, 90% RH | ISO 846 for 28 days Method A - Shear strength | Test temperature: (60-4 2yC ISO 4587 Min. 160 N Sample preparation: |. K3009/09 Peel strength Test temperature: (60 + 27C K3009/11 Substrates: PE Min, 120 N/25 mm Lead Min. 100 N/25 mm _ Steel Min, 100 N/25 mom Superstrate: XIMW Shear strength Test temperature: (60+ 27C ISO 4587 Min. 200 N Sample preparation: K3009/09 Rev 12 of 32tyco | cectronies 108-1996 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS Quality provisions are based upon the philosophy of TQM (Total Quality Management) with a system approved to [SO 9001. RESPONSIBILITY FOR QUALITY Unless otherwise stated in the purchase order, it shall be the supplier's responsibility to assure qualification and lot conformance to this specification. The supplier may utilise his own or other testing and inspection facilities acceptable to the buyer. QUALIFICATION CONFORMANCE For the purposes of internal qualification, the programme shall consist of examinations and tests to determine conformance with the requirements of this specification. it shall be performed once, on introduction of the product. Subsequent design changes shall be partially or fully requalified depending upon their area of impact in the context of product functionality. The number of sarnples shall be based on recognised statistical methodology. For qualification testing to this specification for individual customers, the tests and sample quantities shall be as agreed between Tyco Electronics and the customer. Regular requalification testing shall be performed as defined by the quality department (Procedure K3026/01). Rev 13 of 32tyco | cectronies 108-1996 MANUFACTURING FOLLOW-UP Kessel-Lo Components Manufacturing in Kessel-Lo is an integral part of the overall Quality System of the Division}. Customers are encouraged to audit not only manufacturing, but also other departments. Statistically-based in-process control is practised on all production lines and is conducted on all parameters that govern end-product functionality and performance. The frequency of such control and follow-up is evaluated during capability studies on new equipment and shop floor implementation of the results is determined by the Quality Engineering Department. In addition, the information is documented and controlled in the computerised manufacturing specification system. Sourced Components All suppliers of materials, components or systems manufactured outside the Tyco Electronics facilities are included in the Vendor Evaluation and Education System. As a consequence of this, Tyco Electronics audits relevant suppliers on a regular basis in order to ensure TQM progress and conformance to specification requirements, Suppliers who do not reach the minimum level of approval are given help to improve their systems. if a supplier has not yet reached this minimum level, but is making adequate progress, outgoing controls at the supplier or incoming controls will be considered, as appropriate, by Tyco Electronics. 1 As managed by the Raychem Business Systems Manual 101 ans Quality Procedures 20X%X and K30XX. Rev 14 of 32tyco | cectronies 108-1996 REFERENCES ASTM D2671 Test Method for the Determination of the Coirosive Effect. ASTM G53 Recommended Practice for Operating Light- and Water Exposure Apparatus (Fluorescent UV-Condensation type) for Exposure of Non-metaltic Materials, EN 590 Automotive Fuels - Diesel - Requirements and Methods of Test. , DIN 17440 Technical Requirement for Stainless Steel. TEC 68-2-6 Basic Environmental Testing Procedures. Test Fc: Vibration (Sinusoidal). TEC 68-2-14 Basic Environmental Testing Procedures. Test Nb: Change of Temperature with Specified Rate of Change, TEC 68-2-17 Basic Environmental Testing Procedures. Test Qc: Sealing Tests - Gas Leakage (Bubble Test). TEC 243 Test Method to Determine the Dielectric Strength of Electrical Insulation Materials. (ASTM D149) IEC 811-4-3 Common Test Methods for Insulating and Sheathing Materials of Electric Cables, (ASTM 11693) = Part 4: Methods Specific to PE and PP Compounds. Section 1: Resistance to Environmental Suess Cracking. ISO 188 Test Method to Determine the Thermal Ageing for Heat Resistance of Vuleanised (ASTM 2671} Rubbers. I8O 291 Plastics - Standard Atmospheres for Conditioning and Testing. TSO 293 Plastics - Compression Moulding Test Specimens of Thermoplastic Materials. (ASTM D1928) ISO 846 Resistance of Synthetic Polymeric Materials to Fungi and Bacteria. (ASTM G21} ISO 3303 Rubhber- or Plastic-coated Fabrics - Determination of Bursting Strength (ASTM B3787) ISO 4587 Determination of Tensile Lap-Shear Strength of High Strength Adhesive Bonds. {ASTM C961} 180 4675 Fabrics Coated with Rubber or Plasties (Low-temperature Bend Test) {ASTM D2136} OTL Plastics - Thermogravity of Polymers. Temperature Scanning Method. ISO 9001 Quality Systems, Part 1: Specification for Design, Development, Production, Installation and Servicing. K3000/09 Shear Strength of Adhesives and Mastics K3009/11 Rolling Drum Peel Test of Adhesives and Mastics. K3010/16 Standard Test Procedure for Bursting Strength Measurement K3010/17 Standard Test Procedure to Define the Split Resistance of Heat-shrink Materials. VDE 0207 Insulating and Sheathing Compounds for Cables and Flexible Cords. * The specitications and standards listed here shall form a part of this specification. Ttis understood that the most recent version shall apply. Other equivalent national standards ny be used as substitutes for the intemmational ones. Copies of the documents referred to may be obtained from: Dautsches lastitur fir Normang ASTAT FEC Central Offer Beuth Furlag Gblf 1976 Race Street 3 mute dy Forembd Burggrajensirafie Philadelphia WEL Genava 20 B-1000 Bertin 12 Pd 1910861 187 USL Switzerland International Standards Organisation YDE Verlag Gab European Committee for Standardisation Tipe de arembe Peririeh VDE. Besrimmungen Rue de Stassart 36 210 Geneva 20 Bismarchstrafle 33 L050 Brussels Seerirertend 1000 Berlia 12 Belgium KAXSX cre Quality Assurance Procedwres used in the Kessel-Lo factory. Rev 15 of 32tyco / Electronics APPENDIX TEST PROCEDURES INDEX INSTALLED PRODUCT TEST PROCEDURES ............ 1 GOTETAL......scscesseseesrsesssennanneseesessesatseesnsnesteanesees 1 APPOALANCE oo. essescseecsscesssesesconvesnessesssesteceseeanessssene 2 Axial Tension Test ............:eseeeecsssessceeeereeeeserees 2 Bending Test ..0.... ccc ccsceesceeeccserneneeneesseneeseesees 3 Blunt-Blade Test...............-ccecceeessscesessseeeaeneeseesees 5 Freeze/Thaw Test... cccsssssssecsesereonnensssersesenees 6 Trnpact Test .......ececcsssscssceccnsceseesesseerssnaeeeneerreerene 6 Installation With a Blue Flame............:ssscccessesees 7 Ladder Test .............::ecceessceeseeeeaceerreereresaees heeeeeeee 7 Longitudinal Shrinkage... eeessessesstetseeeceeeersees ~ -Low-temperature Flexibility... pecenaeanessenesceagesssausenrees 8 Pressure-timme Test ...........secceseeeccesesesssensensnesrerees 9 Resistance to Aggressive Media ..........scsssssesrees 9 Resistance to Stress CracKing...........ssscssserseeees 9 Sleeve Installability Test-.._.....2.2. 0.000000 9 Split Propagation Test ............escecsecseeseeeeesseeee 10 Static Load Test 0.0... csscssccesseserssrsreceenseseeeeesees 10 Temperature Cycling Test.......cescecsssesscessereeene i1 Thermal Ageing............:eseccssssessestsessenssnereeseense 12 Tightmess Test ....cscsssccssescenresenrsesssstsereeseeaee tenes 12 Torchability ...... ees cccseseeceeeseeseeceseaenensseeneeeee 12 Torsion TeSt .........c0cc:cccssssscescesseessescesessnssssnentenss 13 Vibration Test ....cccsscssscsesssrsesssssrsraerensescrress 14 HEAT-SHRINKABLE REINFORCED MATERIAL .... 15 Goetnerall........::ssccrcseccesssssteccasensnasesssccsensonsesnanenses 15 Resistance to Split Propagation.........cccscseseees 15 ADHESIVE TEST PROCEDURES .....0....0.ccseeeeeeeeee 16 Gemneral..........ccccscseessssesecsseeeeeteeesesecrenereeesssnnsseees 16 108-1996 Rev 16 of 32tyco | cectronies 108-1996 TEST PROCEDURES INSTALLED PRODUCT TEST PROCEDURES General | e This section covers details of sample preparation for internal qualification and re-qualification purposes. For customer qualifications against this specification the test programme may vary depending upon specific customer requirements. In such cases, some tests may be modified by mutual agreement, for example when armoured cable is involved. e New samples shall be used for cach test. Configurations Test samples shall include: e maximum and minimum product sizes e extreme configurations of inlet and outlet cables, up to four-out, allowed by ~ Tyco Electronics installation instructions Cabies shall include a representative range of single-jacketed plastic sheathed types. Other types already designated for use with the product may also be included. Sample construction e Test samples shall consist of sleeves installed on cables according to Tyco Electronics installation instructions. e In general, no interconnections shall be made between the conductors to ensure that all loads applied shall be carried by the closure alone. e All cable ends shall be sealed with caps, with one or more of these equipped with a valve for pressure access. e Samples shall be allowed to rest for at least 24 hours after installation and before testing. Installation e Installations shall be carried out according to Tyco Electronics installation instructions using an approved torch. Qualification programmes shall include samples installed at or between the extreme temperatures of -10 and 45C. Rev 17 of 32tyco | cectronies 108-1996 Pre-conditioning/post-conditioning Samples for tests to be performed at temperatures other than ambient shall be preconditioned for 4 hours at those temperatures. Samples which have been tested at temperatures other than ambient shall be allowed to rest under standard laboratory conditions as specified in ISO 291 for at least 4 hours prior to tightness testing. Notes on Test.Parameters Unless otherwise stated, internal pressurisation 1s achieved with a regulated air supply and maintained at + 2 kPa. e Tests are carried out at ambient temperature unless otherwise indicated. e For qualification purposes, tests shall be performed at the extreme temperatures specified held constant to + 2C for the duration of the test. Appearance After installation the joint closures shall be inspected with the naked eye for defects which would adversely affect the performance of the product. Axial Tension Test load = cable dia /45 x 1000 N ne max. 1000 N / a ee e The test temperature shall be in the range -15 to 45C. e An axial tensile force of D/45 x 1000 N, with a maximum of 1000 N, shall be applied on each individual cable protruding from the specimen (D is the cable outside diameter in mm). e Hach cable shall be tested individually for 24 hours. e Samples shall be pressurised during the test with an internal regulated pressure of 70 kPa. After completing the test samples shall be subjected to the tightness test as described on page 12 of this appendix. Rev 18 of 32tyco | cectronies 108-1996 Bending Test Bending Test for Cables =< 50 Millimetres in Diameter e The test temperature shall be in the range -5 to 45C. e The specimen shall be clamped on a smooth, flat, horizontal surface. e A bending force of maximum 500 N shall be applied at a distance of 10 x D, minimum 250 mm, from the sleeve edge on each extending cable to deflect the cable to an angle of maximum 30 (or a maximum deflection of 300 mm from the horizontal) at the point of application of the force. (D is the cable outside diameter). e Each cable shall be tested individually. e The test set-up and cable deflection shall be as indicated in the following diagram , force sample . - | 2 [ channel | 4 clamping distance To eo oe $$. . ) + || 1oycle ; - - displacement : ] : | branch-off clip cable | bendangle 1 ~20 mm (2x) f 1 bending plane e A bending cycle shall consist of: * one excursion of the cable(s) from the neutral position in one direction to the limit specified a 5-minute holding time retum to the neutral position bend in the opposite direction to the limit specified maintain for 5 minutes return to the neutral position. e Samples shall be pressurised during the test with an internal regulated pressure of 70 kPa. e After 2 cycles per cable, samples shall be subjected to the tightness test as described on page 12 of this appendix. % *+ * # Rev 19 of 32tyco | cectronies 108-1996 Bending Test for Cables > 50 Millimetres in Diameter The test temperature shall be in the range -5 to 45C. A specimen shall be clamped on a smooth, flat, horizontal surface. Any branched cables shall be clamped together. A bending force of maximum 1000 N shall be applied at a distance of 10 x D from the sleeve edge, where D is the outside diameter of the biggest cable. The limit of bending shall be 30, or a displacement of maximum 300 mm as defined on the following diagram. | channel sample . qe clamping distance a iL tose + Sep = - 8 1 | oyate displacement oe branch-off clip | bend angle 3 , clamp ~ 20 rom (2.x) r J ~ . Nw bending plane A bending cycle shall consist of: * one excursion of the cable(s) from the neutral position in one direction to the limit specified a 5-minute holding time return to the neutral position bend in the opposite direction to the limit specified maintain for 5 minutes * return to the neutral position. * + * Samples shall be pressurised during the test with an internal regulated pressure of 70 kPa. After completing two bending cycles per cable/cable group, samples shall be subjected to the tightness test as described on page 12 of this appendix. Rev 20 of 32tyco | cectronies 108-1996 Blunt-Blade Test . e The test temperature shall be in the range -15 to 45C. e Installed samples shall be placed horizontally on a 5 cm layer of dry sand so that the samples are supported without voids. e The rail shall be rotated 90 from the point of impact. e A blunt steel blade of 6 kg with a shape as indicated in the following diagram shall be allowed to fall under gravity from a height which depends on the temperature of testing: <0C 30 cm 20C 90 cm The impact shall take place within 30 seconds of preconditioning. fl | . 3.0 mm ! ' 150mm | blunt blade 6 ke { 30 or 90 cm CLE Zs, sample e The site of impact shall be mid-way between the valve and the end of the cylindrical part of the closure. e Samples shall be pressurised internally to 70 kPa (regulated) for the duration of the test. | _e After completing the test, samples shall be subjected to the tightness test as described on page 12 of this appendix. Rev 21 of 32tyco | cectronies 108-1996 Freeze/Thaw Test e Installed joint closures shall be submerged in a water bath so that they are at least 5 cm below the water surface. The water bath shall then be temperature-cycled so that the water changes alternately from the solid to the liquid state. e The frequency of cycling shall be two-cycles per day. e Samples shall be pressurised during the test with an internal regulated pressure of 70 kPa. e After completing 20 cycles, samples shall be subjected to the tightness test described on page 12 of this appendix. Impact Test steel ball Ikg vertical support rs te LEST LLELELEL LLP L SISTSSSSLELTLS Rev 22 of 32tyco | cectronies 108-1996 The test temperature shall be in the range of -15 to 45C. Installed specimens shall be placed on a smooth, flat, horizontal surface. The rail shall be rotated 90 from the point of impact. A steel ball weighing 1 kg shall be suspended at a height of 2 metres above the centre of the test specimen; mid-way between the valve and the end of the cylindrical part of the closure. e The weight shall be allowed to fall under gravity, striking the test specimen at the apex of curvature. e For the duration of the test samples shall be internally pressurised to 70 kPa (regulated). e After inspection with the naked eye, samples shall be subjected to the tightness test as described on page 12 of this appendix. Installation With a Blue Flame e The test is carried out at ambient temperature. e Asleeve shall be installed according to the applicable installation instructions with an approved torch whose gas pressure has been set to 150 kPa with the flame regulated so that the yellow tip has just disappeared. e After installation, the sleeve shall be examined with the naked eye and subjected to the tightness test as described on page 12 of this appendix. Ladder Test sample [x |__+__ cable clamp : ' : Rev 23 of 32tyco | cectronies 108-1996 e The test temperature shall be between -5 and 45C. e Installed samples shall be clamped at a distance of 10x D from the sleeve ends. D is the cable diameter. The minimum distance shall be 250 mm. In the case of more than one cable, the largest diameter shall be used for the calculation and cables shall be clamped together. The test set-up shall be arranged so that at sample displacement cannot exceed 300 mm. e A load of 800N shall be applied to the sleeve by} means of a die at its mid-point. e After two hours the load shall be removed. e For the duration of the test samples shall be internally pressurised to 70 kPa (regulated). e After completing the test, samples shall be subjected to the tightness test as described on page 12 of this appendix. Longitudinal Shrinkage - e The test is carried out at ambient temperature. . e The length of the shortest sleeve sample as delivered shall be determined to the nearest millimetre (mean of four measurements taken across sleeve). e The sleeve shall then be shrunk onto an aluminium tube with an outside diameter equivalent to the maximum applicable diameter of the product as specified by the supplier. e The wall thickness of the aluminium tube shall not exceed 3 mm. The minimum length of the sleeve shall be determined after the sample has cooled to room temperature. e The percentage longitudinal shrinkage shall be calculated as follows : mean length as delivered - mean length shrunk . 199 - mean length as delivered Low-temperature Flexibility e Asleeve as delivered plus a mandrel of maximum application diameter as specified by the supplier for the sleeve size under test shall be conditioned for 1 hour at -15C. On removal from the cold chamber the sleeve shall first be tightly wrapped around the mandrel and then laid flat on an even surface and examined with the naked eye for damage to the sleeve and adhesive layer. e Mandrels should have a completely smooth surface. Rev 24 of 32tyco | cectronies 108-1996 Pressure-time Test The installed joint closures shall be divided into three equal groups and pressurised at 23C (regulated), as follows: 210 kPa for 3 hours 140 kPa for 10 days 130 kPa for 28 days After completing the pressurisation, samples shall be subj ected to the tightness test as described on page 12 of this appendix. Resistance to Aggressive Media Installed joint closures shall be immersed at 23C in one of test solutions indicated below : * pH 2 hydrochloric acid solution * pH 12sodium hydroxide solution * Diesel fuel for cars (EN 590) or be coated with petroleum jelly which has been temporarily heated just enough (approximately 70C) to allow it to be smeared evenly onto the samples. Samples shall be pressurised during the test with an internal regulated pressure of 7OkPa. After 30 days, samples shall be subjected to the tightness test as described on page 12 of this appendix. Resistance.to Stress Cracking . Installed joint.closures shall be submerged in a 10% solution of Igepal maintained at 50C, whilst under an internal regulated pressure of 70 kPa. After 7 days, samples shall be inspected for cracking visible to the naked eye, then subjected to the tightness test as described on page 12 of this appendix. Sleeve Installability Test A sleeve shall be conditioned at a temperature within the range of -10 to 45C. It shall then be installed on a simulated joint using a canister of maximum application diameter for the sleeve size under test. After installation, samples shall be tested for tightness as described on page 12 of this appendix. Rev 25 of 32tyco | cectronies 108-1996 Split Propagation Test e A 5mm long clean cut shall be made approximately half-way along and perpendicular to one sleeve edge prior to installation. Sleeves shall be installed using an approved torch onto a smooth, cylindrical aluminium tubing mandrel or canister. This test is carried out at ambient temperature. Alternatively, the installation may be effected by first assembling the sleeve and channel on a smooth cylindrical aluminium tubing mandrel or canister and then placing the whole assembly in an oven at 200C for 15 minutes. The assembly shall be suitably supported so that no part of the sleeve, channel or mandrel comes into contact with the oven walls. The substrate outer diameter shall be the maximum usable diameter of the product as indicated by the applicable installation instructions. After installation is complete there shali be no significant propagation of the cut, as determined by examination with the naked eye. Static Load Test YA Yeo) On) e The test temperature shall be in the range -15 to 45C. e A static load of 1000 N shall be placed in the centre of the joint closure 90 from the seam, using a circular compression die of 5 cm? surface area. The load shall be applied for 5 minutes, then removed, the sample turned through 180, and the load reapplied for an additional five minutes. Samples shall be pressurised during the test with an internal regulated pressure of 70 kPa. After completing the test, samples shall be subjected to the tightness test as described on page 12 of this appendix. Rev 26 of 32tyco | cectronies 108-1996 Temperature Cycling Test Testing shall be according to IEC 68-2-14, test Nb. e Samples shall be supported in racks during testing, in such a way that they are thermally isolated. . There shall be free circulation of air both between specimens and between the specimens and the chamber surfaces. Twelve-hour Cycling e Installed samples shall be placed in an environmental test chamber and subjected to 50 cycles. e Each cycle requires 12 hours : 2 hours -30 to 60C 4 hours at 60C 2 hours 60 to -30C 4 hours at -30C e For the duration of the test the samples shall be connected to an air supply regulated at an internal regulated pressure of 70 kPa. e After completing the test, samples shall be subjected to the tightness test as described on page 12 of this appendix. Eight-hour Cycling e Installed samples shall be placed in an environmental test chamber and subjected to 50 cycles. e Each cycle requires 8 hours : 1.5 hours -40 to 60C 2.5 hours at 60C 1.5 hours 60 to -40C 2.5 hours at -40C e For the duration of the test, samples shall be connected to an air supply regulated at an internal regulated pressure of 70 kPa. e After completing the test, samples shall be subjected to the tightness test as described on page 12 of this appendix. . Rev 27 of 32tyco | cectronies 108-1996 Thermal Ageing e Test samples shall be conditioned for 30 days at 60C in an air circulating oven with an air velocity of 30 to 60 metres per minute. e Samples shall be pressurised during the test with an internal regulated pressure of 70 kPa. e After conditioning, the test samples shall be removed from the oven, cooled to room temperature, and subjected to the tightness test as described on page 12 of this appendix. | . Tightness Test e The tightness of installed closures shall be checked by pressurising to 100 kPa for a period of 15 minutes while immersed in water at room temperature. -e Asample shall be considered tight if there i is no continuous stream of air bubbles escaping from it. Torchability e The test is carried out at room temperature (23C). e A sleeve shall be installed according to the applicable installation instructions using an approved torch set at a gas pressure of 150:kPa. e As soon as the installation is complete the tip of a yellow flame shall be allowed to impinge on an area of the sleeve for 10 seconds. e The sample shall then be subjected to the tightness test as described on page 12 of this appendix. Rev 28 of 32tyco | cectronies 108-1996 Torsion Test Ht a /- damp e The test temperature shall be in the range -5 to 45C. e The specimen shall be clamped rigidly. e Extending cables shall be gripped at a distance of 10 x D from the sleeve edge (D is the cable outside. diameter). e Each cable shall be tested individually. A torsion cycle shall consist of each cable being subjected to: * a torsion stress in one direction of 50 Nm maximum or an angle of maximum 90 for a period of 5 minutes * the cable shall be returned to its original position and the same maximum torsion then applied in the opposite direction for 5 minutes * the cable shall then be returned to its neutral position. Samples shall be pressurised during the test with an internal regulated pressure of 70 kPa. After 5 cycles per cable, samples shall be subjected to the tightness test as described on page 12 of this appendix. Rev 29 of 32tyco | cectronies 108-1996 Vibration Test clamping distance 10x D I sample The test temperature shall be between 10 and 45C. A test specimen shall be mounted on a vibration apparatus with the cables rigidly clamped at distances of 10 x D, minimum 250 mm, from each end of the sleeve. D is the cable outer diameter; in the case of more than one cable, the outer diameter of the largest cable is used. The centre point of the sample shall be subjected to a sinusoidal vibration with a frequency of 10 Hz and an amplitude of 3 mm (6 mm peak-to-peak) | for a period of 10 days. Samples shall be pressurised internally to 70 kPa (regulated) for the duration of the test. After completing the test, samples shall be subjected to the tightness test described on page 12 of this appendix. Rev 30 of 32tyco | cectronies 108-1996 HEAT-SHRINKABLE REINFORCED MATERIAL TEST PROCEDURES General e Unless otherwise specified, tests shall be done on unrecovered, cross-linked, uncoated material, and all tests are performed at room temperature (23 + 3)C, other stipulated temperatures shall be held at 2C. e Test procedures and conditions shall be in accordance with the summary table on page 11 of the main body of this document. Resistance to Split Propagation e Rectangular specimens 50 mm wide, and 180 mm long in the shrink direction shall be used. - Alternatively, samples may be sleeve sections, 110 mm in width, cut rail to rail from sleeves as delivered. e An indelible line, unaffected by the recovery process, shall be drawn parallel to and 5 mm from a long edge. e A perpendicuiar cut.shall be made approximately half-way along the longest edge to just touch the line. e The sample shall be clamped at both short ends and held rigidly so that no shrinking may occur during testing. Possibilities include the use of a tensile testing machine (e.g. an Instron) or special jig. e The test assembly shall be placed in an air-circulation oven at 200C for 15 minutes. e After removal from the oven and cooling to room temperature, the sample shall be examined with the naked eye for cut propagation. Rev 31 of 32tyco | cectronies 108-1996 ADHESIVE TEST PROCEDURES General Unless otherwise specified, all tests shall be done on test plaques made up according to the procedure described in ISO 293. e The thickness of the plaques shall be (1.0 + 0.3) mm. e They shall be pressed at a temperature of (150 + 5)C and shall be cooled below 50C before removal from the mould. . e Unless otherwise specified, all tests are performed at room temperature (23 + 3)C, other stipulated temperatures shall be held at + 2C. e Test procedures and conditions shall be in accordance with the summary table on page 12 of the first section of this document. ee END OF APPENDIX ***** Rev 32 of 32